Aczet’s XRF product helps customers to improve product quality and performance, increase productivity, yield and reduce downtime and waste. The entire operation, the evaluation of the measurement as well as the clear presentation of the measurement data is done on a pc using the powerful and User-friendly Xmaster software.
Technology Different energy dispersive detectors are available for measurements of XRF, such as proportional counters (PC), PINdiodes and silicon drift detectors (SDD). The physical principles of these detectors are very different. A PC uses a mixture of a noble gas with a quench gas that is ionized by an incident radiation. The electrons are accelerated in the electric field and can ionize other gas atoms resulting in an internal amplification. In this case the energy for generation of the primary signal is relatively high. In solid state detectors (PIN, SDD), the incident radiation generates charge carriers which are collected by an electrical field. The energy to generate the primary signal is significantly lower than for a PC, i.e. a higher number of primary charge carriers can be generated. This reduces the statistical error and improves the energy resolution. Proportional Counter Detector Gas filled proportion counter has distinct advantages like high efficiency, wide bandwidth larger area where it can be scaled to almost arbitrarily large size.
Silicon Detector (Si-PIN ) Based on high resolution Si-PIN is used for alloys analyzing including precious metals even one step ahead for accuracy & repeatability compare to Gas filled pro counter.